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Workshop Detailed Schedule

Sunday, May 5, 2024

5:30-7:30 pm                Registration and Informal Reception

Appetizers and a cash bar available

Monday, May 6, 2024

8:45-9:15 am                Registration

9:15-9:30 am                Welcome

       Dr. Giulia Palermo, Dr. Sarah Tasker 

       Dr. David Berkowitz

9:30-10:00 am              "Unwritten Wisdom" from an NSF Program Officer - Dr. Catalina Achim

Overview of the NSF CAREER program

10:00-10:30 am            Declination and Revision - Dr. John Jewett

Revising a declined proposal

10:30-10:45 am            Nuts and Bolts of Submission and Compliance - Dr. Shing Ho

"Top 10" common mistakes and important things to know about formatting and compliance

10:45-11:15 am            Review Panel Basics - Dr. George Richter-Addo

How review panels work and important things to know about the review process

Prompts/topics to discuss will be provided for both panel discussions

11:15-12:00 am            Panel Discussion: Integration of Teaching, Research, and Broader Impacts -

                                     Dr. Sarah Wengryniuk, Dr. Shing Ho, Dr. Gaby Avila-Bront, Dr. Betsy Parkinson,

                                     Dr. George Lisi

Effective approaches to these issues. The topic of broader impacts, in particular, continues to be a source of confusion in the academic community. The goal of this discussion is to convey to the participants a range of options when thinking about broader impacts and integration of teaching and research, and how those factors contribute to building a sustainable career. 

12:00-1:20 pm              Lunch - Sign up for 1-on-1 Meeting with PDs

1:20 pm                        Photograph - Aakash Saha

                                          Prompts/templates will be provided to the participants

1:30-3:00 pm                Feedback on Participant Proposals (Part 1)

POs will be assigned to the participants' groups. Dr. Michel Dupuis (CTMC and CAT), Dr. Jon Rainier (SYN and CAT), Dr.Anne-Marie Schmoltner (ECS, PREC, CAS), Dr. Sarah Wengryniuk (SYN and CAT), Dr.Pumtiwitt McCarthy (CLP, BP), Dr. Christy Chow (CLP), Kelsey Cook (CMI), Dr. Ryan Jorn (CTMC, CSD), Dr. Samy El-Shall (CSD, Ascend), Dr. Greg Collins (CCI), Dr. Shing Ho (CLP), Dr. Suk-Wah Tam-Chang (with Gang-yu Liu as back up) (MSN), Dr. Ting Li (CSDMB)

3:30-4:00 pm                Break

Coffee and snacks will be served

4:00-6:00 pm                Feedback on Participant Proposals (Part 2)

vide supra: Feedback on Participant Proposals (Part 1)

6:30 pm                        Dinner

A list of dinner options at local restaurants will be provided.

Tuesday, May 7, 2024

8:00-8:20 am                Panel Introduction - Dr. Jon Rainier

8:20-10:00 am              Mock Review Panel

POs and mentors will be assigned to the participants' groups. The purpose of this activity is to convey how proposals are reviewed and also to train the participants in how to be reviewers, facilitated by the program officer. Includes time to report back on lessons learned.

PO’s: Michel Dupuis (CTMC and CAT), Jon Rainier (SYN and CAT), Tanya Whitmer (CRIF), Sarah Wengryniuk (SYN and CAT), Pumtiwitt McCarthy (CLP, BP), Christy Chow (CLP), Kelsey Cook (CMI), Ryan Jorn (CTMC, CSD), Francis D’Souza (CSDM-B, CAT), Greg Collins (CCI), Samy El-Shall (CSD, Ascend), Shing Ho (CLP), Suk-Wah Tam-Chang (with Gang-yu Liu as a back up) (MSN)

10:00-10:30 am            Break

Coffee and snacks will be served.

10:30-11:00 am            Panel Discussion: Challenges and Opportunities at PUIs - Dr. Pumtiwitt McCarthy,

                                     Dr. Ryan Jorn, Dr. Sarah Tasker, Dr. Kelly Chacón

11:00-12:15 pm            Brief Program Officer Presentations from Other Agencies - Dr. Gang-yu Liu

                                     11:00-11:10am, Dr. David Rockcliffe, NSF-Bio-MCB

                                     11:10-11:20am, Dr. Jennifer Roizen, DOE-BES

                                     11:20-11:30am, Dr. Christina Payne, NSF-Eng-CBET

                                     11:30-11:40am, Dr. Birgit Schwenzer, NSF-MPS-DMR

                                     11:40-11:50am, Dr. Joerg Schlatterer, ACS-PRF

                                     11:50am-12noon, Dr. Michelle Bond, NIH-NIGMS

                                     12:00-12:10pm, Dr. Kenneth Caster, AFOSR

                                     12:10-12:20pm, Dr. Carol Bessel, NSF-TIP

12:15-12:30 pm            Closing comments and evaluations - Dr. Giulia Palermo and Dr. Sarah Tasker

Organizers will close the workshop with parting comments and participants will be asked to fill out evaluation forms. 

12:30-1:30 pm              Working Lunch

Lunch will be provided as a way to continue networking and informal discussions

1:30-5:00 pm                Optional Meetings with Program Officers

Participants may sign up for short time slots to have one-on-one meetings with program officers (from both NSF and other agencies) to ask any questions or raise particular concerns related to their research funding.

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